Thursday 28 April 2011

Rabbit Vs Hare

While one hundred percent that the black-tailed hare is a rabbit or hare Belgian hare, not in a state of mental confusion is forced. Basically, the black-tailed jack rabbit hare a native species common in the United States and Mexico, while the Belgian breed of domestic rabbits selectively bred to look like a rabbit. While it is certainly a little confused, that most people are difficult to distinguish between a rabbit and a hare, since some similarities between the two species. Before going into detail and explain what led to differences between types of rabbits and hares, general information about us above them.
Leporidae: Rabbits and hares
Leporidae - better than the wild rabbits and hares is known mammal species found worldwide, except Antarctica and Oceania. There are somewhere around 50 species of this family of the kingdom Animalia, which are classified into several taxonomic groups. Among these taxa, only members of the genus Lepus are known as the hare, while members of other taxonomic groups such as rabbits are called. Both rabbits and hares, pikas are with the order of the kingdom Animalia lagomorphs.
Rabbit Vs Hare
There are many similarities between the two animals, and any confusion between the two are assigned to these similarities. However, all that is visible to the naked eye, in this case it's true, and what you see, if they must be distinguished from each other needs. The closest we may seem, there are enough differences between the rabbit and the hare - most of which revolve around its physical, lifestyle and eating. Here are 10 points of difference, to help you distinguish a rabbit from a hare. • The most significant difference when comparing the rabbit, however, is that the general appearance of the two, where the rabbit is not only larger than the rabbit, but also sport bigger ears and Trademark black skin. • As in the case of the ears, rabbits and powerful hind legs, compared to rabbits, and are thus much faster in between. In fact, the European hare, incredible speed of 45 kilometers per hour to observe with astonishing ease. • Although the move is common here, rabbit fur is always the same color throughout the year, while the same species in the hare - the hare, as it is known that the color change gray-brown in summer white in winter. • Although all species of rabbits - with the exception of the rabbit - like rabbits who live in caves in the ground, the rabbits live in nests of flattened grass - the area known as form. • As a rabbit living in the nests on the ground, based on speed and stealth when it comes to defense. Although not as fast as the rabbit rabbits, that they remain in burrows, and rarely ventured far from home, it helps to avoid predators with ease. • Young rabbit - the kittens are born blind and has not had hair on his body, while young rabbits - to see how you hares and run from their date of birth is known. • Rabbits are social animals who prefer to live in colonies, while the hare - which most often lead a solitary life, seen in pairs during the breeding season. • The battle for supremacy is not male rabbits, rare, where the dominant male mates with all the females in the colony. However, such behavior is not when it comes to rabbits. • When it comes to eating habits, rabbits are known foods such as sweet grass and vegetables (in captivity) prefer, unlike rabbits, slightly right to eat plants and bark of seedlings trees. kept • Although the trend rabbits as pets has become very popular due to its docile nature, wild rabbits is not well in captivity. Despite enjoying all the differences between the two, two rabbits and hares continue to fame when it comes to pop culture and folklore, and the popularity of the Warner Bros. Bugs Bunny cartoon, Brother Rabbit Disney song in the south, from the March Hare in Lewis Carroll's Alice in Wonderland, etc. speaks volumes of it.

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