Thursday 28 April 2011

Facts About Fleas

The chip error! And is it not true that your pet immensely to blame! Since the physiological nature parasites, fleas feed on blood. They live in the thick hair of their pets and mammals, in carpets and sofas. Here are some fun / interesting / unpleasant facts about fleas.
A few chip Fun Facts • There is a tribe of Borneo, Indonesia, where a man caught gathering chips hair of a woman married to another man, he is a pig is good. • The ukulele is a good thing in the world-famous. He was appointed in 1878 after a Portuguese navigator came to Hawaii Braguinha - nearly a bonsai guitar. While playing for the local people to create their fingers as agile and fast dance like fleas or in the Hawaiian language, Uku "dance" and the meaning lele means "smart." Some interesting facts about chips • Fleas are more than the people that lived 100 million years and found the fossils date of chips the Cretaceous period. • There are over 2,300 different species of fleas, of which 95% live in 50% of mammals and birds. • The chips of different sizes, the smallest being as small as 2.5 mm long, while a very pregnant chip can reach 4 mm or less. In all flea species, females are larger than their male colleagues. • Fleas prefer to hide in the hair of mammals. Because people have little hair, it is highly unlikely that the chip will feel at home in a body, unless of course you are as hairy as a teddy bear. • How toxic flea collars fleas are not very different from your pet. • A chip on an average height of 2 to 3 months. • A chip can order a superb 150 times its own size, 30,000 times in a row without interruption. It's probably not even aware of the bit. • You do not have wings, but his legs are structured so that each act like a hunting bow. Flea bends its hind legs and bends, holding a significant amount of energy in a part called resilin. Imagine an arc, back along the chain and is a very similar mechanism of an inch high jump extends. If you have to do, just put your right leg, release the rope and shot like an arrow, up to 13 inches in the vertical and horizontal by 7 inches. If you have the opportunity to go to a chip could not be more than two football fields, jump at once! • A louse can multiply a thousand times to be at home in the space of just three weeks in his beloved pet. • The hotter the climate, the most active chips, playing at a higher speed. But slowly at temperatures below 65 º C and humidity of the growth of the chip. Facts about fleas • In your life, a female flea can more than 2000 eggs. The adult female flea can bite up to 400 times within a day and 50 eggs laid on host its anger itchy feet and generally oval, a group of 20, each like a tiny grain of sand. Therefore, if one takes into account 10 fleas on your pet, can produce 3,500 eggs per week. These eggs are very fast, adult fleas. • Male fleas eat blood up to 15 times its own weight. Yes, they are bloody greedy! Fleas can live without the blood of 100 days. A woman needs a blood meal to lay their eggs, and lays her eggs in 36-48 hours with the first blood meal. • A sticky cocoon, and is produced by the larvae mature. Soon covered with debris from their environment, helping to camouflage. This stage can last from 9 days to 175 days. If the bud is caused by heat, vibration and carbon dioxide we exhale, an adult flea is derived from the cocoon (almost sounds like waste of science fiction films of the 80s) stimulated. • Flea larvae are blind and are scavengers with moving mouth. Usually feed on adult flea feces, or scaly dead skin cells, hair, feathers and other organic substances. • Pet fleas inject their saliva, thus providing a high level of irritation, itching and allergies. Cats are particularly susceptible to flea allergy, so you often scab on the base of the tail and sometimes the entire body. • The chips are capable of spreading terrible diseases as plague, murine typhus, and tapeworms. Since my stomach, more to write about fleas, it can refer to the well written articles on Buzzle for fleas and flea natural remedy.
John Donne is perhaps the only poet who wrote an ode "To a lover of chips" were essential "and that I find particularly beautiful or poetic poem not pleasant at all, because with the known facts about fleas, and with a weak stomach. I'm sure I could do a different aspect of writing, some found less trouble!

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