Friday 29 April 2011

Blue Whale Migration

The natural habitat of blue whales in different oceans of the world - in the cold waters of the polar region of the warm waters of the tropics. Most of the whales that rely on migration for this reason (see why whales migrate). In the case of the blue whale, the reason is the sharp drop in temperature of the polar region, which lives in the summer. The freezing temperature in high latitudes that this species is the most populous and leads to the formation of ice in winter, and that's where migration - one of the most incredible whale happens to be fit in blue, between play and help the species survive.
There is more to the migration of blue whales, which travel only on the cold polar regions to the tropics warm, but before going into details of it, we will review some facts blue whales, with a reference particular habitat.
Blue Whale Facts The blue whale (Balaenoptera musculus) - which takes the largest land mammal, is also one of the most endangered species in the world. While the population has this type in the Antarctic in the last number 200,000, the same all over the world to a place near today declined from 2000 to 5000. Again, this is only an estimate with you some sources that the actual number is lower than in 2000. And this seems true when one considers that the blue whale sightings have become a rare event in recent times.
Starting today, the geographical distribution of species of whales in the Antarctic Atlantic, Arctic, Pacific North-east, the north and the Indian Ocean. Although the blue whale habitat is generally characterized by deep water, cool temperatures are known, between polar and tropical waters that occur on their feeding and breeding migration, respectively. On average, these giant creatures migrate thousands of miles of warm ocean waters from different regions of the world each year.
The migration of blue whales During migration, blue whales travel for several weeks and cover thousands of miles in the depths of the ocean biome. In a broad sense, the habitat of blue whale habitat can be divided into summer (in summer feeding areas) and habitat for winter (winter or compost.) Although food is available in higher latitudes, cold water in abundance, the range is inhospitable in winter, and why whales have no choice but to adhere to the warm waters of lower latitudes migrate to the left. This trend of migration, the blue whale is driven by ocean temperatures, a few degrees to get the animals into the warm waters.
With the arrival of winter, the journey begins from a blue whale in the cold waters of the Arctic and Antarctica in the warm tropical waters of Ecuador. As with most marine species, the action of warm tropical waters as a feeding area for blue whales as well. After mating ritual begins, thousands of miles and reach tropical waters. The gestation period of this species is between 10-12 months, which means that when mating takes place this year for a young female, when he gives these tropical waters next year. As the fat calves have a thin layer against the cold, is migrating to the warm tropical waters, a blessing for survival.
Blue whale calves are nursed for months in which they live with their mother. With the start of summer blue whales begin their journey back to the cold waters of high latitudes. When they reach the polar regions, their feeding areas with abundant life, which means that there is enough food for the whales for food resources. More importantly, there is no shortage of food for children, begin to feed on krill, once weaned. Calves are to defend itself in a year after his birth, and soon went on their migration route first, others will follow.
interesting facts about the migration of blue whales
Although blue whales of the Arctic Ocean and Southern Ocean Resort with the migration of both the fact that the seasons are opposite hemispheres says there is no conflict in his movement. Although the Arctic Blue whales migrate to tropical waters somewhere for half the year, when it's summer in the Northern Hemisphere, the Antarctic blue whale somewhere in the end of the year if in the summer in the southern hemisphere. This trend of migration of these species is regulated by sex and age - with whales whales are pregnant or older traveling in tropical waters is the first one of the most fascinating properties of the migration of blue whales. More importantly, these whales eat nothing but rely on their reserves during this migration.
As fascinating as this information may seem, scientists say that the migration of the blue whale is one of the lesser known properties of marine biomes - even with some facts about the area. However, the chances of these facts come to light is very low and changes in ocean temperature continues to make significant changes in their migratory behavior, and threaten the survival of blue whales in the world.


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