Friday 29 April 2011

Blue Whale Migration

The natural habitat of blue whales in different oceans of the world - in the cold waters of the polar region of the warm waters of the tropics. Most of the whales that rely on migration for this reason (see why whales migrate). In the case of the blue whale, the reason is the sharp drop in temperature of the polar region, which lives in the summer. The freezing temperature in high latitudes that this species is the most populous and leads to the formation of ice in winter, and that's where migration - one of the most incredible whale happens to be fit in blue, between play and help the species survive.
There is more to the migration of blue whales, which travel only on the cold polar regions to the tropics warm, but before going into details of it, we will review some facts blue whales, with a reference particular habitat.
Blue Whale Facts The blue whale (Balaenoptera musculus) - which takes the largest land mammal, is also one of the most endangered species in the world. While the population has this type in the Antarctic in the last number 200,000, the same all over the world to a place near today declined from 2000 to 5000. Again, this is only an estimate with you some sources that the actual number is lower than in 2000. And this seems true when one considers that the blue whale sightings have become a rare event in recent times.
Starting today, the geographical distribution of species of whales in the Antarctic Atlantic, Arctic, Pacific North-east, the north and the Indian Ocean. Although the blue whale habitat is generally characterized by deep water, cool temperatures are known, between polar and tropical waters that occur on their feeding and breeding migration, respectively. On average, these giant creatures migrate thousands of miles of warm ocean waters from different regions of the world each year.
The migration of blue whales During migration, blue whales travel for several weeks and cover thousands of miles in the depths of the ocean biome. In a broad sense, the habitat of blue whale habitat can be divided into summer (in summer feeding areas) and habitat for winter (winter or compost.) Although food is available in higher latitudes, cold water in abundance, the range is inhospitable in winter, and why whales have no choice but to adhere to the warm waters of lower latitudes migrate to the left. This trend of migration, the blue whale is driven by ocean temperatures, a few degrees to get the animals into the warm waters.
With the arrival of winter, the journey begins from a blue whale in the cold waters of the Arctic and Antarctica in the warm tropical waters of Ecuador. As with most marine species, the action of warm tropical waters as a feeding area for blue whales as well. After mating ritual begins, thousands of miles and reach tropical waters. The gestation period of this species is between 10-12 months, which means that when mating takes place this year for a young female, when he gives these tropical waters next year. As the fat calves have a thin layer against the cold, is migrating to the warm tropical waters, a blessing for survival.
Blue whale calves are nursed for months in which they live with their mother. With the start of summer blue whales begin their journey back to the cold waters of high latitudes. When they reach the polar regions, their feeding areas with abundant life, which means that there is enough food for the whales for food resources. More importantly, there is no shortage of food for children, begin to feed on krill, once weaned. Calves are to defend itself in a year after his birth, and soon went on their migration route first, others will follow.
interesting facts about the migration of blue whales
Although blue whales of the Arctic Ocean and Southern Ocean Resort with the migration of both the fact that the seasons are opposite hemispheres says there is no conflict in his movement. Although the Arctic Blue whales migrate to tropical waters somewhere for half the year, when it's summer in the Northern Hemisphere, the Antarctic blue whale somewhere in the end of the year if in the summer in the southern hemisphere. This trend of migration of these species is regulated by sex and age - with whales whales are pregnant or older traveling in tropical waters is the first one of the most fascinating properties of the migration of blue whales. More importantly, these whales eat nothing but rely on their reserves during this migration.
As fascinating as this information may seem, scientists say that the migration of the blue whale is one of the lesser known properties of marine biomes - even with some facts about the area. However, the chances of these facts come to light is very low and changes in ocean temperature continues to make significant changes in their migratory behavior, and threaten the survival of blue whales in the world.


Thursday 28 April 2011

Netherland Dwarf Rabbits

Dutch rabbits are the rabbits of the most beautiful and most domestic demand in the world. People like to keep them as pets because of their size, particularly small and friendly attitude. They are very small and usually weigh less than 3.5 kg. However, the particular aspect of this rabbit that these children's faces remain the same even after they become adults. We will learn interesting facts about this incredibly cute rabbit.
Evolution of dwarf rabbits • These rabbits were created in the Netherlands rabbit Polish made by small crosses with rabbits even lower. The Dutch rabbit has not developed a natural species, but has been genetically modified by man. • What is the initial reason why were some of the lots between breeds rabbits extremely unstable, aggressive and fear of human contact. However, several years of raising rabbits of this kind very hot, love and comfortable in the partnership. • Early indications of origin of these rabbits at the end of 1880 in England, where they were first rabbit as a rabbit show, exhibition and used to keep as exotic pets. • Only in the 1960s, the United States opened their doors for the rabbit, then part of the breeding and exhibition. • There are several types of rabbits in a variety of colors, and they have many varieties. • The average life expectancy of Dutch rabbit is for a good 7-10 years, while some have lived until they were 11 to 13 years! Nutritional and health behaviors • These rabbits have very delicate digestive system, something that many pet owners do not know lead to health problems begin. • Rabbits should be fed fresh food pellet. It is very important that the pills are not older than 8 weeks, after which it unfit for consumption. obsolete pellets can cause severe disease in rabbits, such as vomiting and diarrhea. • When choosing a brand of rabbit food, you should go for a brand that has more fiber in this area, compared with proteins and fats. • No rabbit pellets turn suddenly, as it affects the appetite and health. Instead of the switch, the granules in a gradual change from time to mixing with the new brand equally. If the new pads to hurt the rabbit appear, you can continue with the new brand. • However, you must control the behavior of rabbits and the status of their feces and see if it is normal or not. If the stools are loose or abnormal, to take the news. • It is also important not to feed more than this kind of rabbit, because unlike other species that have very little appetite. The maximum daily dose of tablets must not exceed 2.3 ounces per day. • Try pills once a day, without receiving other times, fresh vegetables, except coal, which seems to be bad for your health. • It is very important that they provide fresh, clean water, no matter what. Keep a bowl of water to disinfect the rabbit and the cage to prevent it falling by drinking contaminated water. • They like to eat hay because of its high fiber content. Why make a point to add this to your diet. Buy hay cubes a reputation pet. These cubes are easier to eat less and confusion rabbits. • Often, these rabbits eat their own piece of excrement. There is nothing dangerous in this legislation because it is derived from essential nutrients. Regarding the skin of rabbits, so you need not worry. They still care that allows them to remain calm, removes dead hair and prevent hair balls. However, you may need a good little workout in the winter, when the maximum discount. These rabbits should not be bathed often enough, but only to clean the soiled areas of the skin would help clean. However, if your rabbit stank too late, there are shampoos for pet rabbits stores that can be used.
Although the choice of the Netherlands dwarf rabbit, make sure you go into a pure race. There are countless opportunities for pure-bred dwarf rabbits bids Netherlands. Do not forget to take their health and make sure you enjoy the park and jump everywhere. These rabbits are very active and need lots of exercise, you should have time to play and interact with you to take your pet.

Weimaraner Breed Information

An aristocratic dog, which is often known by the nicknames are very popular Phantom Grey Weimaraner dogs were originally bred in the late eighteenth century as hunting dogs accompanying the royal family of Germany. Today is the appearance of this dog is very different from the original race, with further improvements in the nineteenth century. The name of this breed comes from the name of the Grand Duke of Saxe-Weimar-Eisenach, who ruled the city of Weimar. Weimaraners were originally designed for hunting, such as rabbits and birds used. But today, his job description has changed or guard dogs dogs for the firearm. Weimaraners are very popular because not only dogs very friendly, but also to protect their owners. If you are looking to bring home in Weimar, then breed information Weimaraner in this article should be of interest.
Dog breed Weimaraner: An Overview If the history of the race track Weimaraner, you will learn that for a long time the Germans were not open to the idea that access to other countries for these dogs. In fact, when the first dogs were sent to the United States, sterilized to prevent any copies were. Not until the late nineteenth century, these dogs in Europe and the United States together. If you are an athlete, then this dog would be a great addition to your home. Well, look like the main characteristics of this breed of dog.
Appearance One of the first things to be careful when you place your eye is attracting a Weimaraner, the fact that these dogs very aristocratic looking. This may be of steel gray fur of dogs and their specific color of eyes, which are assigned to blue or gray. Another thing, which complements the elegant appearance, is the actual height of these dogs. These dogs are often large and Sports, and therefore, owners who are willing to play with them. Most dogs of this breed has a line on the front that ended in the nose, which is often gray. Until recently, most dogs of this breed had docked the tail, but it is a practice that is considered illegal in many countries. An adult male dog complete this race is usually about 25 to 27 centimeters, while an adult female Weimaraner should be 23-25 ​​inches. These dogs weigh anywhere from 23 to 32 pounds. The dogs ears are set high, leaning forward. Put the right front and hind legs with webbed feet, long legs.
Personality and temperament It is known that the Weimaraner temperament is such that they are easy to train. These dogs are energetic and sporting a highly developed sense of smell, which makes them excellent watchdogs have. These dogs are very curious by nature and tend to be easily distracted. They are loving and protective of their authors and are very obedient. Just follow the commands that the formation of a single Weimar. These dogs are excited, they can be very aggressive and tend to bark incessantly. One reason why many owners bring home voting Weimaraner because they are very good with children.
Grooming Good preparation is essential for a Weimaraner. It is important to clean your hair at least twice a week. If you take the dog for a walk in areas with lots of grass, it is important that you look for ticks every day. It is also important that you give your dog through exercises. Take for walks, and it is essential for physical and mental health.
Food For Weimaraner, it is important to provide foods high in animal fats. Sun lambs and poultry in your diet. Other key elements in the diet are potatoes and cereals. Avoid fish, beets, rice and soybeans. Ask your veterinarian gives your dog with vitamins and minerals in sufficient quantities.
Weimaraners are brilliant for pets, and hopefully the information Weimaraner breed in this article helped you understand what to expect when you bring the dog home.

Rabbit Vs Hare

While one hundred percent that the black-tailed hare is a rabbit or hare Belgian hare, not in a state of mental confusion is forced. Basically, the black-tailed jack rabbit hare a native species common in the United States and Mexico, while the Belgian breed of domestic rabbits selectively bred to look like a rabbit. While it is certainly a little confused, that most people are difficult to distinguish between a rabbit and a hare, since some similarities between the two species. Before going into detail and explain what led to differences between types of rabbits and hares, general information about us above them.
Leporidae: Rabbits and hares
Leporidae - better than the wild rabbits and hares is known mammal species found worldwide, except Antarctica and Oceania. There are somewhere around 50 species of this family of the kingdom Animalia, which are classified into several taxonomic groups. Among these taxa, only members of the genus Lepus are known as the hare, while members of other taxonomic groups such as rabbits are called. Both rabbits and hares, pikas are with the order of the kingdom Animalia lagomorphs.
Rabbit Vs Hare
There are many similarities between the two animals, and any confusion between the two are assigned to these similarities. However, all that is visible to the naked eye, in this case it's true, and what you see, if they must be distinguished from each other needs. The closest we may seem, there are enough differences between the rabbit and the hare - most of which revolve around its physical, lifestyle and eating. Here are 10 points of difference, to help you distinguish a rabbit from a hare. • The most significant difference when comparing the rabbit, however, is that the general appearance of the two, where the rabbit is not only larger than the rabbit, but also sport bigger ears and Trademark black skin. • As in the case of the ears, rabbits and powerful hind legs, compared to rabbits, and are thus much faster in between. In fact, the European hare, incredible speed of 45 kilometers per hour to observe with astonishing ease. • Although the move is common here, rabbit fur is always the same color throughout the year, while the same species in the hare - the hare, as it is known that the color change gray-brown in summer white in winter. • Although all species of rabbits - with the exception of the rabbit - like rabbits who live in caves in the ground, the rabbits live in nests of flattened grass - the area known as form. • As a rabbit living in the nests on the ground, based on speed and stealth when it comes to defense. Although not as fast as the rabbit rabbits, that they remain in burrows, and rarely ventured far from home, it helps to avoid predators with ease. • Young rabbit - the kittens are born blind and has not had hair on his body, while young rabbits - to see how you hares and run from their date of birth is known. • Rabbits are social animals who prefer to live in colonies, while the hare - which most often lead a solitary life, seen in pairs during the breeding season. • The battle for supremacy is not male rabbits, rare, where the dominant male mates with all the females in the colony. However, such behavior is not when it comes to rabbits. • When it comes to eating habits, rabbits are known foods such as sweet grass and vegetables (in captivity) prefer, unlike rabbits, slightly right to eat plants and bark of seedlings trees. kept • Although the trend rabbits as pets has become very popular due to its docile nature, wild rabbits is not well in captivity. Despite enjoying all the differences between the two, two rabbits and hares continue to fame when it comes to pop culture and folklore, and the popularity of the Warner Bros. Bugs Bunny cartoon, Brother Rabbit Disney song in the south, from the March Hare in Lewis Carroll's Alice in Wonderland, etc. speaks volumes of it.

Facts About Fleas

The chip error! And is it not true that your pet immensely to blame! Since the physiological nature parasites, fleas feed on blood. They live in the thick hair of their pets and mammals, in carpets and sofas. Here are some fun / interesting / unpleasant facts about fleas.
A few chip Fun Facts • There is a tribe of Borneo, Indonesia, where a man caught gathering chips hair of a woman married to another man, he is a pig is good. • The ukulele is a good thing in the world-famous. He was appointed in 1878 after a Portuguese navigator came to Hawaii Braguinha - nearly a bonsai guitar. While playing for the local people to create their fingers as agile and fast dance like fleas or in the Hawaiian language, Uku "dance" and the meaning lele means "smart." Some interesting facts about chips • Fleas are more than the people that lived 100 million years and found the fossils date of chips the Cretaceous period. • There are over 2,300 different species of fleas, of which 95% live in 50% of mammals and birds. • The chips of different sizes, the smallest being as small as 2.5 mm long, while a very pregnant chip can reach 4 mm or less. In all flea species, females are larger than their male colleagues. • Fleas prefer to hide in the hair of mammals. Because people have little hair, it is highly unlikely that the chip will feel at home in a body, unless of course you are as hairy as a teddy bear. • How toxic flea collars fleas are not very different from your pet. • A chip on an average height of 2 to 3 months. • A chip can order a superb 150 times its own size, 30,000 times in a row without interruption. It's probably not even aware of the bit. • You do not have wings, but his legs are structured so that each act like a hunting bow. Flea bends its hind legs and bends, holding a significant amount of energy in a part called resilin. Imagine an arc, back along the chain and is a very similar mechanism of an inch high jump extends. If you have to do, just put your right leg, release the rope and shot like an arrow, up to 13 inches in the vertical and horizontal by 7 inches. If you have the opportunity to go to a chip could not be more than two football fields, jump at once! • A louse can multiply a thousand times to be at home in the space of just three weeks in his beloved pet. • The hotter the climate, the most active chips, playing at a higher speed. But slowly at temperatures below 65 º C and humidity of the growth of the chip. Facts about fleas • In your life, a female flea can more than 2000 eggs. The adult female flea can bite up to 400 times within a day and 50 eggs laid on host its anger itchy feet and generally oval, a group of 20, each like a tiny grain of sand. Therefore, if one takes into account 10 fleas on your pet, can produce 3,500 eggs per week. These eggs are very fast, adult fleas. • Male fleas eat blood up to 15 times its own weight. Yes, they are bloody greedy! Fleas can live without the blood of 100 days. A woman needs a blood meal to lay their eggs, and lays her eggs in 36-48 hours with the first blood meal. • A sticky cocoon, and is produced by the larvae mature. Soon covered with debris from their environment, helping to camouflage. This stage can last from 9 days to 175 days. If the bud is caused by heat, vibration and carbon dioxide we exhale, an adult flea is derived from the cocoon (almost sounds like waste of science fiction films of the 80s) stimulated. • Flea larvae are blind and are scavengers with moving mouth. Usually feed on adult flea feces, or scaly dead skin cells, hair, feathers and other organic substances. • Pet fleas inject their saliva, thus providing a high level of irritation, itching and allergies. Cats are particularly susceptible to flea allergy, so you often scab on the base of the tail and sometimes the entire body. • The chips are capable of spreading terrible diseases as plague, murine typhus, and tapeworms. Since my stomach, more to write about fleas, it can refer to the well written articles on Buzzle for fleas and flea natural remedy.
John Donne is perhaps the only poet who wrote an ode "To a lover of chips" were essential "and that I find particularly beautiful or poetic poem not pleasant at all, because with the known facts about fleas, and with a weak stomach. I'm sure I could do a different aspect of writing, some found less trouble!

Healthy Kidney Diet for Cats

Kidney disease or chronic renal failure in cats is common and is generally considered in older cats. However, this does not mean that this condition is limited to cats. Kidney failure in cats can develop at any age, and certain breeds such as Persians, be sensitive to this condition. It happens to be a progressive disease that progresses slowly and worsen. In some cases, the sudden onset of symptoms were also noticed. Anyway, care and treatment may be useful to the progression of this disease, which gradually increases the quality of life for cats. A healthy diet for cats kidneys play a crucial role in the fight against the disease. This article provides tips and guidelines on healthy nutrition for cats with renal failure.
Kidney failure in cats Kidney failure in cats by various factors, such as a tumor of the kidney, polycystic kidney, renal trauma, cancer, exposure to toxins, congenital diseases, infections of the kidneys and the bladder can be caused drives, kidney disease, etc. to the accumulation of toxins in the blood because the body does not release properly. During the early stages the symptoms are not so important. In time, symptoms such as chat and increased urination and thirst. Meanwhile, the healthy kidneys can concentrate urine is reported to toxins, the damage could not stop it and to distribute large amounts of urine. This causes excessive thirst, dehydration results.
Other symptoms include vomiting, bad breath, mouth ulcers, loss of appetite, fatigue, weight loss and pain when urinating. It was observed that in most cases, symptoms develop remarkable 60% is lost up to 75% of renal function. The disease is diagnosed by blood tests and urine tests and ultrasound and a renal biopsy. The treatment of chronic renal failure or kidney disease in cats is determined by the degree of renal damage and function.
While some animals may require hospitalization, others not. If the underlying cause is detected, treatment of these diseases will be provided. Some cats need infusions to combat dehydration. The concentration of uremic toxins remain low with fluid therapy and dietary modification. to limit phosphorus, and also medicines for the prevention of gastric ulcers are administered to the cat. Including dialysis and kidney transplantation may be required in some cats. However, long term care and treatment of animals contribute to raising the quality of life and prevent deterioration.
Diet and kidney disease in cats
Thus, management of nutrition is very important issue in the treatment of kidney disease in cats. There are several links between renal disease in cats and nutrition. Adjust the water content of cat food, the amount of intake of protein and carbohydrate content to include in their diet. The level of phosphates in the diet may be crucial in cats with renal failure. Limit your intake of protein, carbohydrates and phosphates, can be advantageous, with adequate fluid intake in the control of the disease. It has been suggested that consumption of dry food, food may be rich in protein, carbohydrates and phosphates a possible cause of kidney disease in cats. Now that you have a clear idea about the association of kidney failure in cats with your diet, let's take a look at various aspects of a healthy diet for cats kidney.
Healthy food for cats with renal failure
From the above discussion, it is clear that you stay away from dry food if the cat has kidney disease. However, canned or preserved better than dry food. One of the most important factors that care must take into account the absorption of water. The cat should be fresh water. Apart from that, you have to diet for a cat who choose low-sodium phosphate and protein. However, a high protein diet for cats with kidney, in these conditions remains a hot topic. This is because protein intake at least it can be detrimental to the health of the cat. Therefore, the best way to consult your veterinarian to determine how much protein you need for your cat. This amount may vary from one cat to another, as determined on the basis of disease stage and condition of the cat.
However, if the cat does not like this regime and to refrain from eating, may be more interesting with a little juice box of canned tuna. Make sure the cat is an appropriate diet, it is not good for animals to lose weight at the time. You can also try some home-cooked meals, prepared according to recipes for cats with renal failure. This scheme kidneys house for cats is also be advantageous if the cat likes. Apart from the above, you can also feed the cat filled with crushed garlic, omega-3, a supplement of potassium, B vitamins and calcium, as recommended by your veterinarian.
The above is a brief summary on healthy nutrition for kidney stones. This article is for informational purposes only. You must follow the instructions from your veterinarian about feeding and treatment of kidney disease in cats. This is very important that requirements may vary from one cat to another, depending on the condition of the animal. Thus, appropriate care, be good with diet and treatment in the management of the health of your cat